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Parent and Teacher Association (PTA)

We have a thriving PTA at Llanhari Primary School. They plan and deliver fundraising activities for children and parents throughout the year. The PTA has arranged a variety of events such as Halloween disco, Breakfast with Santa, Sports day refreshments and an end of year prom. 

The funds raised go directly back to the children in our school, purchasing resources or paying for events that would otherwise be out of our reach. They have also successfully obtained a number of grants to provide substantial additions to the school, particularly the infant trim trail.

If you would like to join the PTA speak to Mrs Coates. If you don’t have time to attend meetings but may be able to help when there is an event, again contact Mrs Coates and the PTA will contact you.

Parent Council

We have a very successful Parent Council at Llanhari Primary that has recently been re-established post Covid. The Parent Council is made up of representatives from every class. They meet half-termly and have a direct input into school improvement.

They work on a range of issues, for example, reviewing the new homework policy, writing reading guides for other parents and developing new transition arrangements. During the meetings, parents have the opportunity to raise questions from other parents. The minutes from these meetings are shared with all parents, so they can see how their questions have been addressed.

Parent Workshops

We hold regular workshops and talks for all parents. The workshops run in school time and after school and always have a special theme.

For example, we have had talks from the Local Authority catering team on healthy lunch boxes, behaviour at home, E-Safety talks and I-Pad demonstrations from Year 6.

Parent Programmes

We offer a wide range of training programmes for parents in partnership with external agencies and the Local Authority. For example:

  • 'Parent Protect' courses
  • Paediatric first aid
  • Understanding ADHD
  • Level 2 Food Safety

The school will advertise the programmes in the school newsletter when they are available.

Flying Start

Our local Flying Start health visitor holds a range of programmes to support new mums and babies in the school. The sessions are advertised and available to those parents in the Flying Start area.

Helping in school

Our mums. Dads and community members can help the school in a lot of ways.

Currently, volunteers help with reading and after school clubs. We enjoy having parents working within the school and if you want to help please contact the school office.

We were the first school in Wales to achieve the Investors in Families Diamond award.