A busy term

We have a lot going on in the next few weeks:
Friday 1 March – Eisteddfod
The children can wear Welsh costume to school and all will be performing in the hall throughout the day. We would appreciate donations of Welsh cakes to give the children at breaktime. Please can these be brought into school before Friday so I can buy extras if needed.
Monday 4 March – Eisteddfod for parents. 9:15am in the hall.
Parents are invited to watch a condensed version of the Eisteddfod. Each class will be performing their song, and the children who are reciting a poem will do this together. We will also show the winning art and handwriting entries. Parents are asked to remain for the entire performance and not leave after their child’s class.
Thursday 7 – World Book Day
The children can wear pyjamas to school and bring their favourite bedtime story. We will be holding reading activities all day.
Tuesday 12 and Wednesday 13 March – Parent’s evening
We are holding our termly parent’s evenings on both these dates – the booking system will be open soon. This term we are encouraging you to bring your child with you so they can share their work and listen to the teacher’s feedback.
Friday 15 March – Red Nose day
The children have chosen to ‘Wear something silly/Fancy Dress’ for the day – a donation to Comic Relief would be appreciated.
Wednesday 20 March – Easter events (all morning)
- Egg pacing – all the children will need to bring in a hard (very hard) boiled egg for the traditional competition of ‘Egg Pacing’ – this involves rolling an egg across the yard at a target – prizes for closest egg in each class
- Easter bonnet parade – Class 1-3 are invited to enter the Easter Bonnet competition. Bonnets can be brought/worn to school on the day. Prizes for the best entry in each class.
- Decorated Egg competition – Class 4-7 are invited to enter the decorated egg competition. These entries never cease to amaze us, and we look forward to seeing your creations. If you search our Facebook page you can see previous entries for inspiration. These can be brought to school from Monday 18 onwards, but before Tuesday evening when judging will take place.
Friday 22 March – Llanhari Carnival Showcase event, 2pm.
We will be holding a showcase of the children’s work in the afternoon. All parents are invited. The event will either be in the hall or outside – weather dependent.