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Maths Evening

This event will take place between 5:30pm and 7:30pm on 06/03/2024

On March the 6th we will be holding a special maths evening in school 5:30pm – 7:30pm. The aim of the evening is to help parents understand how we teach maths in school today and give you the confidence to be able to support at home. In the questionnaire I sent out at the beginning of the year, many of you asked for more support in this area.

During the evening you will have the opportunity to sit in a fun interactive maths lesson with your child. These will only be about 30mins long but should give you an idea of how maths is approached in this year group. No tests we promise!! We will then ring the bell and you will be able to go to a second session. If you have more than one child, you can obviously go to their year group. However, if you only have one child in the school, we suggest you go to the next class up to see what is coming next year.

We will then join in the hall for a fun interactive show from ‘Techniquest’. We will have refreshments available and resources for you to take away at the end of the evening.

We will also have a range of providers in the hall who will be able to share information about maths courses and other learning opportunities. These include:

  • People and skills team
  • Coleg Y Cymoedd
  • ACTs training
  • Citizens advice.
  • RCT Adult community Learning Team

We hope you can join us - if you have any queries please get in touch