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Curriculum Information 2

Welsh in school

Llanhari Primary is an English Medium school, however we are proud of our Welsh roots and take every opportunity to celebrate our heritage. We use incidental Welsh around the school at every opportunity and encourage pupils to use Welsh phrases in lessons and on the playground. We also incorporate Welsh heritage in our learning topics, for example in art we look at Welsh artists events and hold our own annual Eisteddfod.

Religious Education

Religious Education is now know as Religion, Values and Ethics (RVE). It is a statutory requirement of the Curriculum for Wales and is mandatory for all learners from ages 3 to 16. RVE forms part of the Humanities Area. This Area encompasses geography; history; religion, values and ethics; business studies. These disciplines share many common themes, concepts and transferable skills, whilst having their own discrete body of knowledge and skills.

There is no parental right to request that a child is withdrawn from RVE in the Curriculum for Wales

Collective Worship

The school is not affiliated to any particular religious denomination, but we do have an act of worship every day. Either we meet as a whole school, as Foundation Phase or Key Stage 2 groups, or in individual classrooms. The acts of worship usually follow a Christian theme or try to encourage our school values. It is also a time when the whole school shares in the success and achievements of individual children.

We have regular visits from our local vicar, who leads and shares our acts of worship. Each class presents one class assembly during the year, when family members are invited to come and watch.

Parents have the right to withdraw their children from the acts of worship on religious grounds. This process is undertaken in consultation with the head teacher.

Physical Education Lessons

We have P.E. and movement lessons every week. Children are required to bring a change of clothes for hygiene reasons. Children bring black shorts and white t-shirts. Please write your child’s name on the labels of any clothes that are brought to school, you wouldn’t believe the amount of lost property left at the end of every day!